Concert for Ukraine a beautiful reminder of love and generosity!

At the writing of this bulletin on Wednesday, you have given 15,211.72 to the free-will offering Concert for Ukraine. As I promised every single penny will be given to people we KNOW are directly involved in caring for the refugees and children of Ukraine.

Thank you so, so, so very much. In a coming bulletin we will hear from Lidia and Dorota on how this donation was used.  

It’s actually unbelievable how generous you have all been—the needs are dire and our continued prayers are necessary.-                               

Fr. Krizner & Music Ministry


Project Endeavor-- IT'S HAPPENING!

You will begin to see the initial phase of construction. With this will come changes to certain parking areas as the general contractor positions construction trailers and equipment behind the church. They will be installing a fence around the construction site that will limit driving around the back of the Church. The side entrances will become our main entrance areas.

As we proceed we will update you with details relating to the building of a retention pond behind the St. Nicholas house (our guest house between Crestview and the Church) for water runoff and other parking issues.

As of today, we are planning on a full  construction timeframe running through the summer– barring any material issues relating to supply chain problems.

Thank you again for  your understanding, your patience, and the  generosity that has made this possible.         ~  Ed Pfahl 


And so we "Bury the Alleluia"

Along with the many beautiful and old traditions of the Church, comes the Burying of the Alleluia on the Sunday preceding Ash Wednesday. As the “Alleluia” falls silent throughout the 40 days of Lent, it makes its grand exit from our church until its grand intonation at the Easter Vigil. Old traditions, especially in France, include processions with incense, holy water, and even a coffin, actually burring the Alleluia in the Church yard. Our continuation of this custom will include grand embellishments of our beloved world of praise throughout the Masses this weekend, until the Alleluia banner is processed out of the Church.

You’re invited to participate in this tradition as well. The front cover of this week’s bulletin is an Alleluia for you to take home and “burry” yourself until Easter. The symbolism of this simple gesture is significant. We burry the ways we fall short and die to our sins, to rise with Christ anew to life on the commemoration of his resurrection! How awesomely beautiful that we are reminded each year of God’s unending faithfulness and love. Consider renewing this old tradition in your family this Lent!

Congratulations to our 2nd Graders!

On Wednesday February 9, 2022 our Second Graders met Jesus in the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. It was a blessed evening indeed as Fr. Andrew Hoover, Parochial Vicar at St. Ambrose, assisted Fr. Krizner in hearing the children’s first confessions. It was for the children an evening of preparation and anticipation for the joyous day. of receiving Jesus in the sacrament of Eucharist this coming May.

God bless our Second Graders and their families always. May they always know the beatify of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and friendship with Jesus.

Join Medina County Right to Life Candlelight Vigil

Please join Medina County Right to Life at our annual Candlelight Vigil at the Medina Courthouse Steps.  Listen to a short talk and then walk around the Square to remember all the lives lost since Roe vs. Wade became law.


When: Saturday, January 22, 2022, 7 PM

Where: Steps, in front of Medina County Courthouse

Featured Speaker: Andrew Philbin,

Program Director Sidewalk Advocates for Life


Please dress warmly! The walk will start at the steps of the Courthouse and will go around the square.
For more information contact Theresa Piatt at 330-667-0750 or .


Christmas Village 2021

It was a day filled with joy and Christmas magic as Santa and Mrs. Claus graced the halls of our Christmas Village. Welcomed by Christmas carols and an entrance complete with a grand reveal of his throne, Santa and his wife were none other than wonderful. Families seeing Santa were greeted by his top elf, Mrs. Crinkle who joyful reported that all of the children made the nice list. They were then escorted by elves Jingle and Jangle to see Santa and have a nice visit. Breakfast was served and children were invited to attend the Village Bakery and design a cookie, the Village Shop to purchase gifts for family, and the Village Workshop to create a holiday keepsake. All-n-all the day was a success thanks to those who attended and those who volunteered. Until next year, Santa! Thanks for visiting— MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Young Men's Conference coming this January!

Young Catholic Men's Conference (YCMC)

This annual one-day conference is dedicated to high school men and the men that raise and support them. YCMC 2022 features keynote speaker Father Larry Richards, a personal address by Bishop Malesic and a dozen other dynamic speakers giving breakout sessions on pertinent topics for the teens to choose from. The event begins with breakfast, includes lunch, snacks, gym activities, confession opportunity and ends with a Mass. While the teens are in their chosen breakouts, dads attend "Dad Track" sessions on faith, community and raising young men.

YCMC will be held January 29th, 2022 at Walsh Jesuit High School in Cuyahoga Falls. Space is limited. For more information and to register, visit

Franciscan Sisters, T.O.R. host Advent Retreat-- All are welcome!

You’re invited to the Franciscan Sisters, T.O.R. Advent Retreat, happening Saturday morning, Dec. 4th, 2021, at our Motherhouse in Toronto. The retreat will begin with registration at 8:00am and will end with Mass said by Fr. Tom Sparacino, of the Pittsburgh Diocese, at 10:45am. During this time we will enter into the experience of waiting and preparing for Jesus with the Holy Family. Sisters will give a talk, testimony, and guided meditation. You also have the opportunity to be part of a sister-led share group, where you can meet after the retreat to reflect on the day’s graces. You can sign up for these groups on our website. Day-of signups for the groups are available but not ensured.

There is limited seating in our chapel, so we encourage you to register beforehand. The retreat will also be live streamed and virtual small groups (where signing up on the website prior to the event is required) are available. For more information go to our website, hover over the “Events” tab, click on “Advent Retreat 2021.” Plans are subject to change due to Covid, so we will be sure to keep you updated on our website and Facebook.

Corbie Lunch~ A Spooktacular Time!

On Tuesday October 26th, 60 parishioners 65+ gathered for a free luncheon. A tradition started by Fr. Krizner some years ago, Corbie Lunch (named after the city in France where St. Colette was born) is a ministry of service and smiles to our beloved “older” crowd. Always a crowd-pleaser, this Fall’s luncheon was an extra-special costume party. Witches, 50s characters, spiders, clowns, crayons, and even “The Black Widow” spooked the parish hall as a delicious lunch of croissant sandwiches, salads, and fall pies were enjoyed by all. It’s been two years since our last luncheon and this one couldn’t have been more needed or appreciated. We thank all who volunteered and participated. We look forward tp our next Corbie Lunch Winter 2022.

The "Land of Happily Every After" is indeed just that!

On Sunday October 3rd, Teens from our parish youth group and Confirmation service program, Celebration, brought old and new fairy tale characters to life as they created a land of fancy and “happy” in our back woods. A little nervous about the rain adults and teen leaders under the direction of Mrs. JoAnn Papa carried on with their plans to put on this annual service event for the kids of the parish. “For God’s glory” was the prayer Mrs. Papa chanted as the rain broke and the teens took their place in the woods to bring their characters to life. The “little kids” of the parish were invited to attend the 10am Mass in costume before making their journey through the woods. There were dragons, princesses, ghost busters, and even a UPS driver just to name a few. Kids and adults alike enjoyed listening to stories AND receiving candy and treats from the characters. Members from the Daughters of St. Colette served apple cinnamon donuts and cider as what seemed to be a bleak morning turned out to be a magical afternoon. Snow While was lovely, the Three Pigs were Silly, Captain Hook writes left handed, and did Jack ever make it up the beanstalk? You’ll have to come back next year and find out!

We’re honored that the Medina Gazette covered our event as well! Read the article here.