Rite of Acceptance... One step closer to the FAITH!

On Sunday October 30th, five catechumens pledged their desire to become Catholic in front of the parish community in the Rite of Acceptance. This is the process of formally making the commitment to attend catechism classes and learn about the faith in preparation to receive the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil. In doing do, these five men and women will be in full communion with the Catholic Church and free to practice the sacraments Showing their support are their sponsors, strong catholic witnesses who wil stand beside them as they receive their sacraments. Sponsors blessed their heads, eyes, ears, lips, hands, hearts, and feet during the Rite of Acceptance symbolizing the call they have received. This is an exciting time for them as they continue their classes with Pastoral Minister, Lisa Radey. God bless you all on your journey of faith— may it be enlighted and inspired!