Ukrainian Efforts Update!

We’re excited to share some news of your tremendous generosity in raising funds to help Ukraine and the refugee crisis in Poland. Through our Concert for Ukraine, we raised over $15,000. Dorota and Lidia are working together through your kindness to make a difference for those in need amidst such grave tragedy. Here is an update from Dorota:

Yesterday - Saturday April 2nd, 13 parcels were sent over to Poland with all goods collected by Lidia at her Rudy's Bakery. There was a lot of used and brand new clothes, shoes, some hygiene essentials and toiletry, as well as some baby diapers. Together with Lidia and one of her girl's - Tori, we sorted it and packed it and then I have use direct shipment to Poland service named Polonez. Their pick up point is located at Krakow Deli in Parma. I have spend some of the money donated by parishioners to pay for the service however the company gave me 30% for shipping Humanitarian Aid which was a big help. It was the cheapest shipment option I could find, although I still have to spend almost $620 for it.

I need to return to Lidia's bakery next week to finish up - they are still few bags left that need to be packed and ship over.

While I was helping there, my brother used first portion of the money wired last week to buy milk, and some fresh fruits for the refugees who are placed in near by school auditorium. They are working now to adopt a building to transfer all the refugees from that school there - about 50 families. They hope that it will happen before Easter.

It is an old motel. The plan is to use some of the donated money to organize a community play room there where the kids from the entire motel can come and share toys and play.

Meanwhile, Lidia might post a list of the most needed items in her bakery again, since people keep asking how they can help.

For now the list consist of new underwear for woman and kids of all ages (including teenagers) as well as towels of all size (new or gently used). In addition they need seepy cups and baby bottles.

To continue our efforts, Fr. Krizner adds that “we will be asking the PSCF kids to consider bringing in gently used toys, puzzles: chess, checkers, construction blocks etc,  Kids can write a short note to the ‘kids ‘as many of the older Ukrainian kids know English.  You have done something that goes beyond our imagining for brothers and sisters who have known nothing but separation and devastation.”

Thank You all so much,