"Blessed Be the Name of JESUS!"

With regard to the atrocities occurring in our Nation, Fr. Krizner responds with imploring the Name of Jesus! Please join us in this prayer crusade!

Dear Parish Family,

         The bulletin is sent on Tuesday to be published. This is sometimes difficult for us as we can’t include the happenings of the week. This past week has been a difficult week for the Church, for Catholics, and for our Nation. IT has been a week of blasphemy, profanity, and desecration against the Holy Eucharist. I don’t imagine that you missed this on the news though not all news channels will cover such events. Because of this I am urging you to recite the Divine Praises on a daily basis. (They are printed here) I will be joining you each day in reparation for the irreverence that seems to permeate parts of our society. These may be passing issues but they are grave issues in the now and present.  How do our children even begin to comprehend the disregard for the Eucharist? 

Last weekend we Celebrated First Holy Communion! The children approached this ‘mystery of faith’ with such reverence, love and excitement! What a graced event for our parish.

We continue to pray for our Nation. God DOES hear our prayer and in His time and according to His Will answers us! As John says in the Gospel, ‘Do not let your hearts be troubled. Have faith in God. Have faith in Me.’

Pray for the peace of America.  While the people of Ukraine struggle for peace there are those in our society who act contrary to it.  Don’t lose heart.