We Keep on the Legacy!

Our Hearts Keep the Memories and We Keep on the legacy...a little saying that’s been in my heart over the past nine months.  By the time you read this it will be two weeks since our parish hosted Santa and Mrs. Claus at the Little Christmas Village.  And what a joyful day indeed!  Corbie Hall bustled with children and families anticipating Santa’s arrival, creating lasting memories in those childlike, precious moments.  Jesus tells us in the Gospels so many times to be “childlike” in faith.  And I know I'm not the only adult who felt the childlike wonderment of Christmas Village.  Christmas is indeed the perfect time of year to be childlike. 

To be honest, however, the week leading up to the event and the “day” itself was a little difficult for me.  It was a “first.”  I’m sure many of you understand the “firsts” with your loved ones in heaven… perhaps this Christmas is your “first” too.  And while I in no way will turn this beautiful Christmas article into a sad story… the wonderful memories that flooded my heart over that Village weekend made me think of the holiday in a beautiful, new way.  So I will share it with you.   

You see, while memories of Christmas past flooded my heart and will undeniably continue to do so over the next few holy days, so did the unbelievable desire to carry on the traditions that have formed me. And it got me thinking of that first Christmas 2,000 years ago… For how amazing it must have been to be a relative of Jesus and know him personally as a child, a friend, a teacher.  How amazing all the things Mary treasured in her heart, and lived through her life.  Of all the ways the Apostles and first disciples of the faith passed the stories down, generation after generation through the Gospels and word of mouth, despite hardships, persecutions, and death.  What ALL of their hearts must have held… BUT what their lives continued to live to this very day. 

 Keeping the “legacy” of Jesus is the reason we celebrate Christmas today… the very reason we have a faith today.  And we’re the ones who reap the benefit.  Those who knew Jesus personally didn’t keep him to themselves.  Rather, they realized the tremendous gift of him… and gifts are meant to be shared, paid forward.  So on this Christmas weekend, like Mary, treasure all of the things, all of the loved ones, all of the memories in your heart, those of the present and those of the past.  They’re what formed you!… but don’t let them stay there.  Continue all you’ve learned in all the ways that you can.  Continue to let your life reflect your gratitude.  Live each day like it were Christmas Day, for Jesus Christ is our greatest gift… and it’s our turn to share him.  How amazing the privilege to continue His legacy. 

Merry Christmas!~  Sara