Let's Pray for our Kids this August!

Dear Parish Family… LET’S PRAY TOGETHER this month!

Just a thought…

Since his beatification in 2015, Blessed Carlo Acutis always had a special place of prominence in our parish (there’s a picture of him between the two pope statues and our cry room is named after him). 

Born in 1991 to not particularly devoted parents, he developed a fervent love for Jesus in the Eucharist at a very young age.  After making his first communion at the age of seven, Carlo made it a priority to attend Mass every day.  Talking with him and relating to Carlo is what made him extraordinary because he was just a regular kid.  He was a great friend, enjoyed volunteering, and loved computers and playing video games.  His devotion to the Eucharist not only converted his parents but led him to create an online documentation of all the Eucharistic Miracles that have ever taken place.  He did so in such a way that the portal could be downloaded as an exhibit for public display and visitation.  I had the privilege of attending one this past March and it was outstanding.  Carlo died of leukemia at the age of fifteen and on his way to sainthood.  Fifteen!  And he had the faith of a lifetime.  Fr. Krizner had a particular devotion to Carlo because he was just a kid!  A kid who lived, loved, and shared Jesus… and it got me thinking…

The month of August brings a whole different kind of mindset than any other month of the summer.  For most of us, it’s not the excitement of the upcoming beach vacation or camping trip, but the pressure of the looming school year on the horizon and trying to “fit in” those last family cookouts, trips to the zoo, lazy pool days, and sunset walks… those last-minute moments to cram in a few more summer memories before school.  And whether you’re a first-timer in the parent school-scene, a student, or simply a neighbor of the community, I’m sure you recognize and appreciate the anticipation of another year for the young ones—another year of school bus-filled roads; laughter and chaos as the family scrambles to do homework, eat dinner, and get to an early bed-time; the lights through the living room window from the near-by field on a football Friday night… the joy of the school years. 

The year ahead could also be filled with uncertainty.  Let’s face it.  I read and watch the news.  So do you.  And it’s not like it used to be “when we were kids” … by any stretch.  And just like in all things, in God’s good way, there’s a reason for it… and for WHY we exist in it… And we need to give it our best for us, but most importantly for our children, those who belong to us, and those who don’t.  We owe them our best.  For as Jesus says, “the Kingdom of heaven belongs to them.”  

They tell us that the children are the future.  And the future depends on what we do today.  So, through the inspiration of Fr. Krizner and Blessed Carlo, I encourage you to join me… join US in our parish prayer for the month of August—to pray for all the children going back to school from preschool through college.  That their hearts and minds be guarded and guided in the truth and the joy that is Jesus Christ.  That all children and young adults have a fun year of school… that they have an enriching year of growth… that they have joy through the hard days… that they know THEY ARE THE JOY of those who love them, most especially their God.  Blessed Carlo, pray for our children.  God bless your August! ~Sara

Parish Prayer for the Month of August:

The Novena to Blessed Carlo Acutis

When: at least for 9 days during the Month of August (or every day of the month😊) | Where: Anywhere you are! | Why: for our kids going back to school!

 Dear Father, who has given us the ardent testimony of the young Servant of God, Carlo Acutis, who made the Eucharist the core of his life and strength of his daily commitments so that everybody may love You above all else, let him soon be counted among the Blessed and Saints in Your Church.

Confirm my Faith nurture my Hope, strengthen my Charity in the image of young Carlo, who, growing in these virtues, now lives with You.

(Mention your request here… for the children going back to school)

I trust in you, Father, and your Beloved Son Jesus, in the Virgin Mary, our Dearest Mother, and in the intervention of Your Servant, Carlo Acutis.

“To always be close to Jesus, that’s my life plan”.
“The Sacrament of the Eucharist: My Highway to Heaven.”
Blessed Carlo Acutis, pray for us!

Our Father… Haily Mary… Glory Be… +