September 2019

Weekend of 9/7 & 9/8



He is doing his best to join us in late September—early October. We have sent an official letter of invite and he is in the process of obtaining his visa. He calls his visit to us as a continuation of his ‘fattening course’! His letter to us included how much he misses the ‘good people’ of St. Colette and how eager he is to spend some time with us.

Hoping all goes smoothly for him in the process as we look forward to his visit with us once more!

Presently he is assigned to St. Anthony Parish in Birmingham, England. He remains a priest of the Diocese of Mamfe in the Cameroon.

Weekend of 9/14 & 9/15


My gratitude to all those who joined us on 9/11—especially our ‘heroes’ in the military and first responders. The evening provided us an opportunity to say ‘thank you’ for the valiant sacrifices these men and women made and make on a daily basis. The evening also allowed us to come together in prayer and supplication for our Nation and our world. May God bless the U.S.A.

Weekend of 9/21 & 9/22


We had beautiful weather and a great turnout for the Holy Name Society’s 7th Annual Car Show. Thanks to everyone who made this event a success!

Weekend of 9/28 & 9/29


Sometime after I arrived at St. Colette, I hired Sabrina Plumb as a ’helper’ in the Office. Soon she became familiar with nearly every facet of Parish Life and has become a familiar face and name to most of the parish! Some years back she met Thomas at one of our Youth Group Meetings and the Magic Happened! Congratulations to Sabrina and Thomas on their Wedding (Saturday, September 28), and may all their dreams come true! BLESSINGS & JOY!
